DIA DE LOS MUERTOS (Day of the Dead, Mexico)

Although Dia De Los Muertos is mostly known as a Mexican holiday it is also celebrated throughout the world. Traditionaly on this day, friends and family members gather to pray and remember loved ones who have died. The celebration takes place on November 2. Most people build private little altars honoring the deceased and decorate them with sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed. Some also visiting their graves and leave these items as gifts.

During the few years that I lived in Guadalajara, Mexico, I remember participating in huge celebrations at school where we would dress up as skeletons and share delicious traditional regional dishes. I also remember building my own little altar in honor of my grandfather whom passed a year before I was born. I decorated it with lots of marigolds, sweet bread, sugar skulls and his photo that I borrowed from my mom. I was only seven but already understood that those who have passed are still among us in memory.

 Must admit though, my favorite part of this celebration is Pan de Muerto (Bread of the Dead). It is soo delicious 🙂

Since we’re in the skeleton subject; I thought I’d share a few of my brother’s paintings with you all.

He is soo very talented and loves painting skeletons for some odd reason. Here are a few of my favorite:


How about this carved pumpkin:

Anyways, I’ve been wanting to design some marshmallow pops to resemble the traditional Dia De Los Muertos sugar skulls and I finally did…

This year I am celebrating the life of Steve Jobs. Unfortunately, I wasn’t lucky enough to have met him in person; yet, I feel somehow connected to him. There are toooo many lessons he’s taught and way he’s improved our life that I hold dear to my heart, mind and soul. Thank you Mr. Jobs may you rest in peace!!

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