Although I am ecstatic to have our new and beautiful website up, this post isn’t really all about that. It’s mostly about my amazing, loving, smart, supporting and sweet husband. He’s very modest and doesn’t like to be put on the spot-light. Well, I don’t care I am sooo putting him on it today because I am very proud of him and thankful to have someone like him in my life. As much as I’d like to take credit for making The Marshmallow Studio a successful company, I can’t help to acknowledge that without Kyle, my husband, we wouldn’t be where we are right now.

From day one, he’s been supportive, helpful and willing to do whatever it takes to be there for me. Whether it’d be designing me new business cards or making dinner cause I”m busy making ‘mallows. He is my partner in life and in the business. It amazes me how much he know about technology, design, business administration and law. He also knows how to cook, clean and make the boys giggle non-stop. I truly could not have asked for a better man to call my husband and to be the father of my children.

When we first designed and launched the original The Marshmallow Studio (TMS) website, we pretty much just needed to get it out. We were receiving orders and inquiries without advertising, having a Facebook page or website so we wanted to keep the momentum going. It was simple and had the essentials. With TMS growing, it was time for our website to represent that growth too. I wanted a fun, informative, bright and sweet website where our viewers could stay a while and feel like they have to purchase something to join in the fun.


The new website would include:

  • Direct access to our blog without leaving site
  • Product catalog
  • Class and event calendar
  • Press mentions and customer reviews
  • TMS buttons (Super cute ones too)
  • List of links to our favorite sites, vendors, and bloggers


Soooo…….After many weeks of late nights and cups of green tea (his favorite), The Marshmallow Studio has a new website. Check it out and let us know what you think 😉



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