Seems like yesterday that we created the The Marshmallow Studio fan page on Facebook. We started off with 2 loyal friends: My husband and myself hahahaha. Then with the help of our friends and amazing word of mouth that number grew more and more day by day. We’re not in the business of collecting “LIKES” but we are in the business of popularizing Marshmallow Art and the truth is that numbers mean popularity. So we’ve been working hard trying to reach out to many many people and building a community where marshmallow fans can come together and share anything and everything marshmallow related.

Sooooo… A few weeks ago we reached a huge this huge milestone on our Facebook page thanks to the love and support of our friends.  We wanted to celebrate by hosting a fun giveaway on our page.

We asked fans to comment on the above photo telling us something fun about themselves and what they like the most about marshmallows.

The comments were seriously funny and inspiring.

Here are a few of my favorite:

  •  Raquel Gonzalez-Rosa Sometimes at night when everybody is asleep, I roast marshmallows on the stove & makes s’mores… Deeeee licious
  •  Nicole Everson Gould I potty trained my daughter with marshmallows! Obviously… we’re big fans!
  •  Karmen Franklin I love trying to put as many marshmallows as I can in my mouth at one time and trying to talk. That makes for some good laughs.
  •  Laurel Waddle Podesta How would you play “Chubby Bunny” without marshmellows?!?! 😉 – one of my favorite games!
  •  Candy Marrufo ‎*bubba voice from Forest Gump* I love marshmallows! You can roast em, bake em, sautee em, microwave em, stew em, marsh kabob em, eat em plain, stick em in a taco, on a pizza, in hot chocolate, in your nieces noses (jk lol), & in smores……. Thats ‘bowt it.
  •  Jennifer Looney Adkins About me…. I’m a sahm to a 4 year old daughter and twin 21 month olds girls. I make cake pops as a small business and love them until I found marshmallows! My twins will be 2 in February and I couldn’t think of anything better then your strawberry shortcake mallow pops for their strawberry shortcake theme! They even have strawberry costumes to wear! We are over the top in this house:-)
  •  Tara Terlingo Carrero I bought a marshmallow blow gun and blasted my kids with mini marshmallows!!
  •  Samuel Fred Oxner Jr. I’m a wild and crazy guy…..who loves eating marshmallows!:)
  •  Martha Yari Hernandez I love marshmallows especially when their roasted or in hot chocolate I also like trying to make the pops you make even though they don’t come out as good lol. I love baking and making chocolates for my friends and family 🙂
  •  Debrah Prokop Bourgeois What could be better about this picture than 1000 fans??? Congrats! I started out baking black bricks for a few years. Slowly realizing that no one was a fan, I evolved in much more edible treats for my family. Of course that includes my love for marshmallows mixed into my treats like my famous fudge. But I also have a sweet spot in my heart for the campfire sized marshmallows as is!
  •  Valerie Harston I LOVE how YOU can do anything with marshmallows! I love them roasted over an open fire with my grandkids! Occasionally I will get them a bowl just to munch on!
  •  Soiree Showers & Kidz Events Fun fact about me: I happen to be 8mths preggo and currently have lot in common with the marshmallow! ROUND, SQUISHY AND PLUMP…but still sweet! love that you took an otherwise boring looking item and turned them into works of art! Kudos girl!
  •  Tammy Dawson Perciful Something about me, I am trying to teach myself to make fun pops for a party! What is not to be loved about marshmallows! You can do anything with them!!
  •  Candida Devitt I LOVE MARSHMALLOWS and all that you can do with them! I used to be a Big fan of Cake Pops & cupcakes until I started making Marshmallow Pops. They are perfect treats for my boys since they both have tree nut allergies which can be some what limiting. They love helping me make new creative pops so they can bring to school and share with their friends!!!Marshmallows are fun and tasty ….They have taken over our household for the treat of choice!

Using Random.org I chose a winner. Congratulations Jennifer!!!

This giveaway was really cool and many seemed to have enjoyed it as much as me so I’m thinking I might have to host more giveaways in the future 🙂

A big “Thank You” to all of our fans that participated and to those who helped us reach this milestone.


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