YES, you read right! 🙂 I am ecstatic to finally tell you all that we are working on our first book! What started off as just a crazy idea is now truly happening. Two years ago when I founded The Marshmallow Studio I thought people would just want to order my designs (or not even) then I started receiving endless wonderful emails from around the world requesting tutorials, videos, and classes. I had accidentally created a new craze and it became fuel for me to keep pushing the limits. My students, customers, fans and readers have inspired me to truly pursue this book venture and make it a reality. My goal is to make a humble contribution to the world that could hopefully make an impact in someone’s life.

A little bit about the book… it will show you step-by-step, how to make over 72 designs which most are never-before-seen creations. The book will also contain tips, recipes and techniques that I have learned along the way. The pages will be filled with amazing photographs and all of my marshmallow and sweets decorating knowledge. On top of that, we are also working with an amazing team of talented, creative professionals to add a few “extra goodies” that will be exclusively available those who snag a copy.

We haven’t set a solid pre-order or release date yet but it won’t be too far out and I will be  sure to let you know as soon as it’s scheduled. I plan on taking you along this exciting journey with me by sharing some behind-the-scenes photos and stories through our blog. I’m still pinching myself over here while jumping up and down with excitement and trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. I want to THANK YOU all for your love and support, it truly means the world to me and I hold it dear to my heart! Let’s get this show on the road….


  1. Gabriela says:

    This is awesome! Best wishes on this new journey, can’t wait! :))

  2. I am so happy for you !! You deserve all the success in the world !!!!

  3. Congratulations Alejandra! That’s soo exciting! xxx


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