Soo excited…. We’ve reached another super cool milestone on Facebook – 4,000 Fans!
You know what that means? It’s Giveaway Time!!!
Many of you often tell me that you can’t find certain marshmallows where you live or you’d like to try some of the less-common marshmallows that are only available in some places some times of the year. Sooo,,,, I thought, a “YUMMY SWEET PACKAGE FILLED WITH AN ASSORTMENT OF MARSHMALLOWS” would be the perfect prize to giveaway. (Valued at $75)
Whether you eat them, bake them, roast them, decorate them, dip them, give them to someone special, or whatever else you can think of doing with them is totally up to you. What I do know, is that the winner will be one lucky person!
Here are all the fluffy details on how to enter:
  1. Draw face on a marshmallow – If you’re going to eat it afterwards: you can use edible ink pens or icing. If you are not, you can use any marker. Get creative with your ‘mallow.
  2. Snap a photo of you or someone else showing him or her some love – ‘Mallows love hugs, kisses, cuddling, and to be taken to have some fun. No limit on # of entries. Each entry must be a different photo.
  3. Post it on our Facebook wall – Tell me what you’ll be doing with the marshmallows you win.
  4. Bonus Entry: Post the same photo on YOUR Facebook profile and TAG The Marshmallow Studio. Leave a comment here telling me you’ve done this. (Facebook doesn’t always notify us if we’ve been tagged.)
Gooooooooooooooo grab your mom, dad, kids, cousins, neighbor, co-worker, bff, spouse, anyone willing to pose with your ‘mallow and take picture 🙂 The more photos you take the bigger your chances of winning!!!

Rules: Photos must be posted between June 9 – 14, 2012. Each photo and blog comment will be assigned a number that will be used to determine the winner at Random. The more photos you post the bigger your chances of winning. The winner will be announced on the blog on Friday, 6/15/12. Winner will be notified via email or FB message and must claim prize within 48 hours or new winner will be picked.

This giveaway is sponsored by The Marshmallow Studio.


Update: Friday, 6/15/12 10:12am PST

The contest is now closed. Thank you everyone for participating. I absolutely LOVED all the fun and cute photo entries that were posted on our Facebook wall. This was such a fun giveaway that included many kids which made it even more special to me.

So without further due…… Here is the winner!!!!

Shannon Greene please email me at info@themarshmallowstudio.com to claim your prize 🙂


  1. I am becoming more and more obsessed with marshmallows~~what a cool contest!!!

  2. Danielle says:

    Such a fun contest! My daughter had a blast making, taking pictures with, and then eating the marshmallows! Tagged 3 pics on my facebook wall.

  3. Is this contest open to Canadian residents?

  4. love marshmallows

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