If you’re already subscribed to receive our Yummy Newsletter in your inbox, you probably already knew this 🙂 Now I’m here sharing it with the rest of our readers and fans:
It is all coming together. I am just beside myself with excitement and disbelief (maybe a little sleep deprived too from all the endless night hours working LOL) that the time to announce our book title is finally here. Just like we’ve spent hours and hours in the past deciding on names for our two sons, we’ve done the same for our book. Surprisingly, the answer was right in front of us the whole time. Seems it’s always that way, isn’t it? More on why we chose this title later on the blog. Choosing the title was only the beginning. After doing so, we then began working on the overall design which is the fun part but also very hard to decide on. Who knew there were soooo many fonts available out there? Now I do.

Without futher due – Drum roll please……………..

The title of our upcoming book is:
We have another sweet surprise for you!!! To show how special and unique this book will be, we’ve created a dedicated website to provide you with always up-to-date information regarding the progress, pre-ordering, and release date. Also, there will be some awesomely sweet free downloadable goodies available to those who have purchased the book. I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback, they mean the world to me and help us improve. Here’s the site: mARTshmallows. Hope you like it 🙂


  1. Jacqueline Gonzalez says:

    Great name! I can hardly wait for this book to come out.

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