
I’m thrilled and nervous and emotional and happy and scared but the time as come and I’ve got some exciting announcements to share with you all! It’s time to unveil the cover of our upcoming book as well as announce the pre-order and release date!!!

Oh my goodness! Could it be?? Is that the light at the end of the tunnel that I’m starting to see? I believe it is! We’ve been slaving away for almost a year and half working diligently on this book. It’s all labor of love, let me tell you. As it turns out, self-publishing is very expensive, time consuming and nerve wrecking. However, it has been such a rewarding journey and I wouldn’t have had it another way. Everyday I get more and more excited about it and has the release date nears, the prouder I am of what my husband and I have accomplished together. You can read all about our highlights and struggles on the book update post on the blog HERE.

Here’s to us, hope you like it…. drum roll please

TMS mARTshmallows book cover

This beauty features concealed wire-o binding with a hard cover and over 200 full-color pages. As it shows on the cover… the book also comes with FREE designer printable tags exclusively available to those who purchase the book.

In this book, I’ve truly included everything that I know about marshmallows from decorating to shipping to where to buy them. We’ve put our all into it and I look forward to the day we get to read your reviews after the book is released and you’ve gotten to indulge in every page.

NOW, for my second announcement – Yes, believe it, you can finally place your pre-order for mARTshmallows starting April 1st!!!

Check out the release date here too – August 1st.


You will be able to place your order directly on the mARTshmallows website HERE and securely pay via PayPal. The book will be available in physical and electronic form.  Anyone and everyone from around the world can order it. Yes, we’ll ship it to any hidden corner of this planet. I know many countries don’t have the same marshmallows I show in the book but the techniques and skills can be applied to any other available marshmallow.

TMS Book Pre-order Gifts

To show you guys how freaking excited I am, I have decided to include gifts for the first 1,000 copies sold. Here’s the breakdown:

  • The first 250 copies will be autographed by your truly 🙂 {will also include the charm and bookmark}
  • The first 500 copies will receive an adorable polymer clay marshmallow charm {will also include the bookmark}
  • The first 1,000 copies will receive an exclusive mARTshmallows bookmark
  • All pre-order copies are available at the discounted price of $24.99. {Price will go up after book is released so get it now!}

I will be posting updates on our Facebook page as these layers are reached. But don’t even risk it and just place your order as soon as pre-orders open!

As self-publishers, pre-orders are immensely important. This is how we know how many books to order from the printer in advance so we don’t end up ordering too many or too few. I’d like to ask you for a HUGE favor – Would you please help us spread the word with your family and friends? You don’t have to be that pushy sales person. Maybe you can just say: “hey, there’s this new book out about making cool stuff with marshmallows that I think you would like” or share our photos or links on your Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest page. I bet your friends would appreciate it! 😉

I hope you guys are as excited as I am about mARTshmallows and as always, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fun trivia: This April 1st will mark our 3 year anniversary since founding The Marshmallow Studio. What a sweet journey it has been!


  1. Hola,felicidades y cual sera el precio?

  2. Danielle Cook says:

    I think I am justas excited as you are. It’s going to kill me to have to wait till Aug! Im so excited to try to master you wonderful creations. Thank you!

    • You are soooo sweet! Thank you Danielle. Believe me, it’s killing me too but publishing books is a looooooong process specially if you’re doing it all by yourself with your own funds :/ well worth it the hard work though. Hope you love it when you get in your hands!!

  3. Where do we sign up for the pre long would it be before you get the book back to customers.

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