Tiki Draft

Seems like just yesterday my husband and I were just talking about how cool it would be to publish a book and show people the art of marshmallow decorating. It all started has a fun adventure and quickly turned into a serious task. We wanted to make it the coolest, most complete cookbook out there. As self-publishers that meant we had to take an extra dose of determination and motivation…. not to mention, drain our savings account and learn new skills quickly to make it all happen by the deadlines. Deadlines that we set without really knowing what it all entailed and not knowing what road blocks we had ahead of us.

Yet, we made it happen and here we are now – We have made our dream come true. We have made a beautiful book that we are proud of and will always look back and remember all the hard work we put into it and the joy it as brought to our lives.

We ย hope that you love as much as we do!!


To prepare for the arrival of the books, I ย began by packaging the polymer clay marshmallow charms that would go with the first 500 books sold.


Twine makes everything cuter!


Next, I received in the mail our paper goodies – bookmarks, postcards and greeting cards.

greeting card

My favorite were the greeting cards which matched the book (cover and back). It’s like a mini version LOL

making bookmarks

Let me tell you, whole punching and tying twine on 1000 bookmarks was a project but kind of relaxing.

My hand was in pain but at least it made the time fly by and I was able to sit down while assembling them.


The shipping supplies arrived the same morning that the books were scheduled to be delivered.

Lots and lots of boxes, and bubble lined envelopes!


All we needed were the books!!!!!!!!!

delivery truck

At 3:35 PM I ran outside….


With my stomach in knot, I said: roll them in.

Box label

It was amazing seeing this label on each box –

Title: mARTshmallows (hard cover)

Publisher: The Marshmallow Studio

Printed in Canada

ISBN#: 978-0-615-80417-0

Kyle looking at bok

I waited until my husband got home from work to open the boxes. I was afraid I would faint from all the excitement and anxiety emotions running strong inside of me.

When he opened a box and flipped through a book, I was moved by the look in his face. I could tell he was proud of what we had done together and how great it had come out.

There’s no way this book would have happen without him.ย 

Alejandra looking at book

Now it was my turn….. I stared at it as if it was one of my newborn child.

Alejandra with book

I was happy, proud, excited, relieved, scared, tired and hungry (my appetite was gone all day while I waited for this moment)

Packaging books

Now that the books were here, it was time to sign, package and ship off these beauties!!

signing books

I felt a little bit like a celebrity signing all those books. 275 to be exact!

As you can see……. this as truly been an experience. We’ve done it all on our own and I would not have had it any other way.

Many sacrifices have been made and precious time has been invested but…

“Nothing in this life worth having comes easy” (be sure to read the acknowledgements page on pg.173)

Map of mARTshmallows stores

On July 1st, lots of books were shipped to 34 different cake and candy supply stores across the nation who will be carrying the book.

You can check out which store is closest to you here.

Annnndddd because we have full control ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m happy to tell you that you don’t have to wait until release date to have your book in your hands!

All pre-orders will be shipped and delivered prior to the original release date of August 1st. Woohoo!!!

mARTshmallows by TheMarshmallowStudio

I am anxious to hear your reviews, see your marshmallow creations and hopefully meet many of you during the book tour (details to be announced really soon).

Please post photos of you receiving the book in the mail and of whatever you make using the hashtag #mARTshmallows so we can see them and re-post ๐Ÿ˜‰

{If you haven’t ordered your copy – You can still get it HERE for the discounted cost of $24.99 and get a charm and bookmark .}

Thanks again for all your continued support and love!

-Alejandra and Kyle Morin




  1. preciosa miranda says:

    buen trabajo !! family team !!

  2. Congrats, it looks fantastic! What a wonderful accomplishment. Best Wishes to you!

  3. SO proud of you! You and your husband put in a lot of work and it paid off. You rbook looks beautiful, from the pictures you posted. LOVE that it’s in binder form so you can lay the pages flat. I’m totally picking up a copy of this and will pour over every page.Congratulations on your new baby ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Super congrats honey!! You should be very proud!! Such a lovely accomplishment!!

    Just shared the good news on FB! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Adawiyah says:

    Hi, I’m from Malaysia. Congrats for ur beautiful book!. How can I get this? Can u deliver it to Malaysia?

  6. Looks amazing can’t wait until its available in the uk as with shipping it would currently cost 44 dollars so too much for me at the moment. Good luck the future looks great.

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