I hardly ever ever post anything on here that doesn’t involve directly involve marshmallows but today it’s different. Well, hold on…. I guess in a way it does have something to do with marshmallows since thanks to this beautiful fluffy adventure of mine I’ve become friends so many wonderful people and this post has been possible due to one of them.

My friend Jasmine from Idea Event + Style is the fabulous designer who introduced me to her gorgeous art prints. Yesterday I showed you the one I loved for Fall and now I’m going to show you the one that touched my heart.

Let me show you a very special little corner in my house. It’s my husbands built-in desk. When we were working on the mARTshmallows book he spent many many countless hours staring at his computer screens and now that we’re getting ready to redesign the website, I know he’s going to go back to spend lots more hours on that desk. Sooooo, I wanted to make it cozy and special for him.

I went out and purchased a shadow box frame at Hobby Lobby and lined it with a green fabric that matched our room decor then attached the gold foil art print in the center. I like the shadow box frame because I can always save little keepsakes in it.

Right next to it, I placed his Willow Tree figurine he received as a gift on his first Father’s Day. Kyle is the best daddy ever. I know his love for our boys will last FOR LIKE EVER!

You can order your very own FOR LIKE EVER gold foil art print HERE.

You can also check out the many other fabulous art prints she has designed HERE

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