Woohoo!!!!!!!!!! My favorite month of the year is here πŸ™‚

February is awesome for many reasons –

My birthday, Valentine’s Day, my son Keiran’s birthday, it’s the shortest month, and I get to eat lots and lots of fancy chocolates and sweets.

{GIVEAWAY} SweetWorks February Giveaway from TheMarshmallowStudio.com

I thought it’d be fun to celebrate with a few surprises πŸ™‚

To start, how about a giveaway?! I am giving away a bunch of goodies from my favorite candy company –Β SweetWorks!!

Trust me, these are all sweets that you and the cutie pie/s in your life will love. Also, the Sixlets and Pearls are perfect for decorating marshmallows.

Here’s what the PRIZE PACKAGE includes:

1 – 14 oz Champagne Bottle

6 – Foiled Solid Milk Bear Pops

1 bag – Valentine Sixlets individual 5oz bags

1 – Foiled Solid Milk Silver Hearts 4 oz bag

1 – Foiled Solid Milk Red Hearts 4 oz bag

1 – Foiled Solid Dark Pink Hearts 4 oz bag

1 – Milk Raspberry 12 CT

1 – Red / Shimmer White Sixlets jar

1 Β – Red / Shimmer White Pearls jar

1 – Red 1″ Gumballs 8oz bag

And Β here’s how to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: SweetWorks is providing the prizes for this giveaway at no cost to me. This program is not administered or sponsored by SweetWorks or its affiliates, but solely by The Marshmallow Studio. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.



  1. What a wonderful prize pack! Happy February!

  2. Claudia G. says:

    Good Luck to everyone!! This would be an awesome birthday present!!!

  3. I’m working on Valentines day so it would be a nice little treat πŸ™‚

  4. Would love to win for my grandkids!!

  5. I love marshmallow….and my business is probably the first in the PA. area to carry your books.

  6. My Birthday is Feb. 17, So, sweethearts day is the 14th and I get 2 gifts this month from my husband!! Yay sweets are my favorite treat!.

  7. Reannon Pino says:

    I’d share them with my family β™₯

  8. Angela mejia says:

    πŸ™‚ <3

  9. Martha Hernandez says:

    I would love to win, I will throw a valentine’s party with my closest friend.

  10. Kelli Pyeatt says:

    Yum, Chocolate!
    Thank you in advance!

  11. Christine Witzany says:

    Looks yummy!!!!….Hope I win!!!

  12. This package would be great to use when making valentines day goodies for my son’s class party!

  13. Christina says:

    Love this giveaway!

  14. I would make treaties for friends and family!

  15. Yanira Acosta says:

    I wish i. Could win i volunteer in my sons school so all the kids will be happy if i win πŸ™‚

  16. Ashley Flores says:

    Love this giveaway! The kids and I really get into every holiday and this would so be a great way to celebrate! Good luck to everyone!

  17. Yay!! Great to share with all my nurse friends at work! πŸ™‚

  18. Cathy Otto says:

    Love this,Thank You

  19. SheryllAnne Soriano says:

    Hope I win ! Love bday πŸ™‚

  20. SheryllAnne Soriano says:


  21. Janell Schiffermiller says:

    Sweet package! I’d totally bake my little heart out!

  22. JenniferMC says:

    Honestly? I’ll eat the chocolate (if the rest of my family leaves any behind :P), and use the sixlets, gumballs, and pearls to decorate Valentine’s Day cupcakes to give away!


  23. Elizabeth Schor says:

    What an awesome giveaway!!! I ❀️ February!

  24. Michelle skarvold says:

    Fab prize I’d love to win ❀️

  25. I would love these sweets, firstly for my two boys, little sweet toothies, then myself, then my boyfriend!!

  26. Wow that looks awesome

  27. Love it! Saw the sixlets at Wal Mart but when I went back they were gone!

  28. Shanna Uptergrove says:

    I would SHARE them with my little loves!!!

  29. Wendy Barsallo says:

    ItΒ΄s my aniversary weeding.. letΒ΄s celebrate πŸ™‚

  30. Ashley Flores says:

    Love it!

  31. Angel Moore says:

    I’d give a lil something to a few people I love. My daughter, parents, best friend, my hunniebear and myself. Hood luck to every one. Have a beautiful day.

  32. I Could Make Some Fun Treats For My Boy!

  33. What a great giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!

  34. haley stanford says:

    If I won , I would share this with my hubby on Valentines day πŸ™‚
    I had a baby and can’t work at the moment so I can’t surprise him with a gift without asking him for money first … lol
    So, if I win, it will deff. be a surprise πŸ™‚

  35. Miriam aguilar says:

    I love bombones!! πŸ™‚ I love chocolate!! I love the love!! Happy marshmallow month!!!

  36. Fun giveaway! Thanks!

  37. Great giveaway! Happy Valentines Day!

  38. I would share them with my family since its so huge !

    And id give some to my husband since its his birthday and valentines day!!

    And id keep some for myself since i have a very sweet tooth !! πŸ™‚

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