Back-to-school Apple Marshmallow Pops by TheMarshmallowStudio

Wowzers, this summer has flown by!!

Time to switch gears and get ready for my favorite part of the year – Fall and Winter. Sure I love having the kiddos at home, all the outdoor nights eating s’mores, and the hot water fun but there’s something magical about the leaves turning and the weather cooling down that makes me feel all giddy inside.

This year I’m particularly excited for back-to-school season. My boys are 3.5 and 5 years old. One will go into his second year in preschool and my other will go into Kindergarten. They are both finally going to be going to the same school and having the same schedule. Woohoo!! I’m that mom that make special gifts for the teachers and sends in special treats every special occasion. Teachers like me, haha!

To quick off this school year with A+ extra credit parent points, I’m going to be making my boy’s teachers baskets full of Apple Marshmallow Pops.

Making these pops is like second nature to me. I’ve been making marshmallow pops and art for over four years now.  Today you’re in luck my friend…. I’m going to teach you how to WOW your kid’s teachers too!

Back-to-school Apple Marshmallow Popsby TheMarshmallowStudio_15   Back-to-school Apple Marshmallow Popsby TheMarshmallowStudio_1

Check out KraftRecipes.com HERE or HERE to see the full tutorial.

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