New site launch announcement

Do you like the title of this post?! hahahaha

I thought long and hard about what the title to this milestone post should be. “How Alejandra (me) got her groove back…”, I jokingly said outloud to the hubz. After other even more silly suggestions, this one stuck. It felt right because now I feel more energized and motivated. I have a new found self-confidence to say more, do more, show more! 

With this post I’d like to introduce you to our new and bright



 TMS website now has a bright and clean design, great features, fun products to shop and the capabilities to host the exciting surprise I’ve been working on lately. (More on this awesome surprise I have for you all in a couple of weeks or so)

Check out the difference:

Old TMS screenshot-20150607

This is what the OLD site looked like. My hubz created it from scratch in 2012. Since then I had had him make a bunch of small changes leaving it feeling dated, unorganized, abandoned and misleading. We were in desperate need of an update!


The direction of TMS had also changed drastically since being founded in 2010. Our growing blog content deserved a dedicated layout where it could be much better appreciated. I wanted a site that our readers would enjoy visiting. A place where they could learn new things, see large and clear photographs without distractions or having to search for hours for something.


I also wanted to launch a store filled with fun gifts and products for marshmallow enthusiasts like myself. I’ve received hundreds of emails inquiring about my original I AM SO SWEET I SMELL LIKE MARSHMALLOWS tote bag that I decide it to make them available to all! 🙂


You can still order our mARTshmallows book right from the site. Don’t forget that we only have a few hardcopies left and once they are gone, they are gone!


We have a NEW direction.

From this day on….. you can expect more constant, original and informative content. More recipes, more DIYs, more tutorials, more giveaways… pretty much, more awesomeness!


You can confidently subscribe to our newsletter and actually get one hahaha. In 5+ years, I’ve only sent out about 4 newsletters total. Some readers have actually emailed me asking for a newsletter because they want to hear from us more often.  We’ll be announcing something pretty awesome really soon too that I’m POSITIVE you will LOVE! Let’s just say, I am stepping it up BIG time and finally delivering what you’ve wanted from us since day one. Oh oh oh, I’m also going to be posting a scrumptious new s’mores recipe I came up with a few days ago.

What are you waiting for? Go subscribe, like, now!!

Home TMS

My favorite part about the new site is that it is bright white. It’s like a big, fluffy, white mashmallow. A blank canvas ready to be brought to life with creativity. I can’t wait to see my new canvas flourish!

I’d like to give a HUGE thanks to my hubz, Kyle, for making my wish come true so fast and without too much complaining LOL. We make sacrifices, we stay up late, we argue about what’s “do-able”, we struggle but at the end we always make it happen and it brings us closer. Thank you!


Okay amigas & amigos… I leave you so you can explore the rest of the site.

Tell me, what do you like the most about our new design?


  1. Congrats on the new site. It looks great and I know how good it must feel. WOO HOO!

  2. LOVE IT amiga!! congrats on all your success! looks awesome just like you 😉

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