Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Seven months, that’s how long it took me to finally write this post. Why? For many reasons that don’t even matter anymore, to be honest. Here, I am going to reminisce with you the wonderful times I had with my party friends while at Blissdom 2013.

(I apologize ahead of time for the horrible photo quality but I mostly used my phone and the settings were all messed up.)

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Started off the weekend with mojitos and margaritas!

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Finally had the chance to reunite with my long-lost-sista-from-anotha-motha hahaha. I must say that Dina from Deliciously Darling is seriously the most talented and sweetest person I’ve met in a while. She’s genuinely such an amazing person, beautiful inside and outside.

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

And look what she brought for me…… Homemade French Macarons that she made for us. Oh, they were soooo delish!

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com   Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Silly, I know. Thought this was pretty funny. Since it was a blogging convention for mostly women they decided to turn the men’s bathroom into a women’s bathroom and added a special touch to the stalls hahaha.

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com   Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Oh, you know. New friends that I just loved meeting.

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Night time!!! Dirty martinis with bleu cheese stuffed olives for me 🙂

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Party girls taking over the club.

Clockwise from top left to bottom right: Terri (Terri’s Treasures), Sandy (Firefly Confections), Aimee  (Aimee Broussard & Co.), Dina (Deliciously Darling), Mariah (Giggles Galore), Stacy (She’s Kinda Crafty), Chris (Celebrations at Home), Myself, Courtney (Pizzazzerie), Nancy (A to Zebra Celebrations) and Megan (Sugar Megnolia).

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Yeay, finally met up with the fabulous and all-time fun Amy (Living Locurto).

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

My roomies for the weekend 🙂

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Fun!!! Seriously… how gorgeous is Dina?!?! Totally have a girl crush on her LOL

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

This dude was cracking me up and all the girls were drooling all over him so we decided to throw him off… I think we achieved that hehe

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Woohoo… Got feux lashes put in for my head shot session.

Blissdom photos

It was so much fun!!

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Selfies – Amy & myself outside of session.

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

In session. I guess I had to learn something while I was there. Busted out my Mallow Bits container to keep me awake.

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Lunch with the group. This was one of my favorite parts of the weekend.

Counterclockwise from front right to me at the front left: Amy (Living Locurto), Holly (Kids Activities Blog), (Lemonaide Moments), Aimee (Aimee Broussard & Co.), Rebekah (A Blissful Nest), Mariah (Giggles Galore), Courtney (Pizzazzerie), Terri (Terri’s Treasures), Sandy (Firefly Confections), Stacy (She’s Kinda Crafty), Dina (Deliciously Darling) and me.

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

Couldn’t resist dessert. Mmmmm, bread pudding!

2013-03-23 22.31.13 (2)

My sweet party girls.

2013-03-27 11.15.44 (2)

I was soooooooooo happy I got to see my lovely friend Rebekah (A Blissful Nest) again. She’s got the biggest heart and is always so full of positiveness and strength. I totally admire her and what she’s accomplished. Love ya girly!

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

We were fortunate enough to be able to spend some time with our friend Jennifer (BellaGrey Designs) who lives in Dallas, Texas. We had a blast hanging with her our last night there.

2013-03-24 22.59.33

After sitting in the airport for about seven hours due to the lack of professionalism and competence of Spirit Airlines (Please do yourself a favor and never ever fly with them), I made it home safely. Home sweet home. Las Vegas, Nevada!!!

Blissdom 13 recap by themarshmallowstudio.com

I know this isn’t my usual informative and insightful recap post that I’ve done for the other events I’ve gone to in the past but I thought I’d share with you the other side of attending events. The side where you make priceless connections, meet wonderful people and reunite with great friends. I am fortunate for having to opportunity to be involved with and welcomed by so many communities. I had a fabulous time with my party girls!


  1. So glad you posted this! It’s fun to look at photos and remember the fun times:-) Hope to see you again soon!

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