This post is way way overdue.

I owe you guys pictures from my mARTshmallows book tour.  Although I have already written about the major events and shows I attended as part of my tour, here are the details to the other stops that I missed.

I’m bringing you to San Diego, New York, Miami, Hollywood and Dallas.

mARTshmallows Book tour

Let me start off by saying that I am extremely appreciative of each and every single person who helped me organize my tour, came to see me, helped me spread the word, and supported me with encouragement on my pics and status updates I posted along. You guys all rock!! I am so very thankful to have you in my life. Book tours aren’t all glitz and glamour and can be very scary to take on as a self-publisher. Luckily, our was a total success!

I’d also like to thank my husband, my parents, my mother-in-law, Rocky and Melissa for helping me with the boys. I could not have done it without you!!!!

In 5 months we made 10 out of 12 scheduled appearances — WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

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