Marshmallows Galore - Book review and giveaway!

When I started playing with marshmallows in 2010, I did lots of research to find anything and everything that related to marshmallows. I was surprised to find there were no children’s books that included marshmallows.

Fast forward four years…. I finally found one and it is everything I wanted it to be like!!

Marshmallows Galore - Book review and giveaway!

Marshmallows Galore is written by Mrs. Donna Mae and illustrated by Brandon Fall.

And guess what?!?! She self-published it!!

You know that earns brownie points with me šŸ™‚ because I totally understand the amount of dedication, time, energy and monetary investment that requires. She told me that it had always been a dream of hers to publish a children’s book and one day she just said, “it’s time and I’m just going to do it.”

Donna Mae, 2013 final copy

This book isn’t only incredibly cute but it also has a beautiful message.

Oh, and did I mention it it’s written in poem form and every line rhymes?! Love it.

This whimsical story is about a young boy named Charlie who suddenly wakes up to giant marshmallows falling from the sky.

He teaches us how to be self-less, compassionate and giving with those around us.Ā ThisĀ 

Marshmallows Galore - Book review and giveaway!

Mrs. Mae has created a “Marshmallow Pledge” that children can take at her events and earn their very own badge.

Here’s a little boy at one of her book signings at Barnes & Nobles taking the pledge.

How freakin’ cute is this?!

Marshmallows Galore - Book review and giveaway!

She was kind enough to send me a copy so I could review the book and read it to my boys.

The illustrations are so bright and fun that it immediately captivated their attention.

They asked daddy to read it twice!

Marshmallows Galore - Book review and giveaway!

I love every page of Marshmallows Galore! Brandon Fall really did an amazing job.

This illustration is awesome…. This is exactly how I imagined the KRAFT Jet-Puffed Marshmallows factory being like when I was a kid hahaha.

Marshmallows Galore - Book review and giveaway

You can purchase a copy of Marshmallow Galore on Amazon HERE.

ButĀ …… I have a surprise for you!!

I’m so in love with this book that I am thrilled to be able to giveaway a copy to one of my readers. Woohoo!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer:Ā The author is providing the prize for this giveaway at no cost to me. This program is not administered or sponsored by her or her affiliates, but solely by The Marshmallow Studio. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.



  1. Aww this the sweetest book. my grandson would love it. and it would eating marshmallows with the story haha

  2. My granddaughter love to read books se also like to bake with her granny. O, and she is just 2 years old but already a little cake angel!

  3. Oh my gosh, I love this book! How adorable!

  4. Would love to be able to share this with my wonderful nieces and nephews

  5. Al Cecchinelli says:

    I would read this with my 6 year old nephew, $tree

  6. Maria Herrera says:

    My babies would love this! Specially my daughter!

  7. Linda brown says:

    I am the director of a child care center in Florida. I am also a book lover and have over 2000 books in our school collection. With such an extensive collection I am always on the hunt for be additions that are out of the ordinary. I think this book will become a valued treasure to our children. I hope I get a complimentary copy

  8. Erica Courtney says:

    My little girls would love this book!

  9. Esther Carrillo says:

    I would read this to my 5 year old little chef….he bakes with me and loves sweets and books!

  10. Tammy Shipione says:

    I would leave a copy for the local library, so other children besides my own could have a chance to read this book.

  11. Sherri Lane says:

    My son and I love this book. It is super cute and the illustrations are very engaging.

  12. regina schleicher says:

    So cute my little chiefs would love it

  13. Stephanie Blitz says:

    I would love to read this with my 5 yr old son.

  14. valarie charles says:

    I would read this book to my toddler class because they love marshmallows as a special snack!

  15. Michelle s says:

    My boys would love this book.

  16. My daughter Olivia loves books and this one she would really love. It’s really cute.

  17. My 2 year old (that hates sweets) recently discovered that he loves marshmallows. He would love this!

  18. Barbara Berger says:

    No more words to describe this book. Adorable!

  19. eecphilyaw@aol.com says:

    I would read this sweet book to my grandson and soon to be born, new granddaughter, Reading is such a fundamental part of life and marshmallows are yummy.. My daughter is a teacher and when she returns to school, I am sure that she would share this with many students. It is special to me because my family has a small sweet shoppe and marshmallow art is a must!

  20. Stacy lusk says:

    This is such a cute looking book. My daughters would love reading it. Having allergies my youngest gets marshmallows frequently as a replacement treat for cupcakes and other party treats.

  21. Stacy Lusk says:

    Such a cute book. I can’t wait to read it to my daughters. We eat marshmallows a lot.

  22. I’d read it to my grandchildren.y Grandchildren

  23. krystal jones says:

    I have 2 young boys-ages 5 & 6 they would love a book. Have a blessed day if u have any subscriptions, I would like one also my adress is : 10105 sr 105 north
    Russellville,ar 72802
    any thing u r able to send plz do so for my kiddos Davyn & Aithyn
    thank u n have a great day

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