I often get emails inquiring about homemade marshmallows and custom logo orders. As most of you already know, we do not make our own marshmallow because we use store-bought marshmallows to make all of our designs nor have we been taking orders since last year due to the book and our contract work with KRAFT Jet-Puffed that have kept us busy. After I reply to them letting them know of this, the next question is usually:

“Do you know of anyone I can order them from?”

There are a few companies out there that I always refer business to and there are others that are just recently popping up (or at least I’m just finding out about them) that love marshmallows as much as I do. I’m going to list a few below so if you get ever need to order some you know where to go 🙂

10 awesome gourmet marshmallow vendors (list by www.themarshmallowstudio.com)

Click on the links below to check out the array of flavors and yummy products these companies offer.

Madyson’s Marshmallows

240 Sweet

Sugar Poofs

Pete’s Gourmet Confections

Levity Gourmet Marshmallows

The Bang Candy Company

Plush Puffs

Curlicues and Confections

My Oh My Marshmallows

Three Tarts

Unfortunately at this moment I do not have any companies to recommend for marshmallow designs. I am hoping once our book is released in August a market is built and I can post a similar list to the one above but for marshmallow artists 🙂

mARTshmallows book

REMEMBER you can pre-order your mARTshmallows book NOW for a discounted price of $24.99 and receive several special gifts.

Disclaimer: This list has been compiled based on my own knowledge and research. I have not been paid to endorse any of the above companies nor have I ever personally ordered any products from them.


I am delighted to share with you one of my all-time favorite marshmallow finds, Marshfellows. The artist behind these adorable little hand-made figurines is Autumn Saylor. She’s here today to tell us more about her inspiration behind her fluffy fellows and what she loves so much about marshmallows.
In Autumn’s words:
“Oh my gosh! What IS that?” You ask.
That, dear readers, is a Marshfellow! A one-of-a-kind chubby cheeked little fellow with a LOT of personality!
No, I’m afraid you can’t eat him, I’ll leave the edible sweets to Alejandra and her team at The Marshmallow Studio, however, you CAN bring him home and others like him to keep forever!
Toasty, as I like to call him is the Original Marshfellow, but there are many more where he came from! Each one handcrafted and completely unique from the others. My obsession with marshmallows happened on accident back in the fall of 2009. Armed with polymer clay, some creativity and a lot of free time, I played around with the idea of a marshmallow creature. Something chubby, cute and immediately lovable. Thus, the first Marshfellow was born!
What I love most about Marshfellows are the endless possibilities. I’m very lucky as an artist to have customers who are full of ideas and creative requests. That’s really what makes Marshfellows so special. I spend most of my time drawing up rough sketches of future Marshfellows and playing around with my own designs in between orders. While I do love custom orders more than anything, I also love the challenge of recreating a favorite movie or book character or transforming a beloved family member into Marshfellow form.
Marshfellows allows me to do something new every day. Their cute little faces remind me to not take everything so seriously, to laugh more and smile often. Marshfellows bring out the kid in me and that’s all I want for everyone else.”



Disneyland truly is the happiest place on Earth!!

Now that our baby boys are a little older we wanted to take them to Disneyland. Oh boy, did we have a blast!!

Although it was our little vacation, I couldn’t help to have my “marshmallow radar” on. I was checking out all the gift and sweets shoppes for any sort of unique marshmallows. Unfortunately, the marshmallow trend hasn’t hit Disneyland yet so I didn’t find much.

Read on to see my finds…

[Read more…]


I purchased these KRAFT Jef-Puffed marshmallow bags at Walmart.

And these ADORABLE cupcakes, bananas and ice cream cone marshmallows. I seriously bought every single bag on the shelf. Enough to last me till next season!

I also found these cute little marshmallow flowers at The Dollar Tree. They are made in Puerto Rico, they are soft, yummy and adorable!
Can’t wait to create some fun designs with these cool seasonal marshmallows. Stay tuned to see what we use them for!


Love is in the air and so are marshmallows 🙂


Left: KRAFT Jet-Puffed HeartMallows available at Target

Right: Campfire CupidMallows available at Walmart


Left: Colombina Millows Marshmallow Hearts available at The Dollar Tree

Right: Peeps Valentine’s Day marshmallows available at Target

Be sure to stock up on them since they are ONLY seasonal but you can use these shapes year-round!!