I am delighted to share with you one of my all-time favorite marshmallow finds, Marshfellows. The artist behind these adorable little hand-made figurines is Autumn Saylor. She’s here today to tell us more about her inspiration behind her fluffy fellows and what she loves so much about marshmallows.
In Autumn’s words:
“Oh my gosh! What IS that?” You ask.
That, dear readers, is a Marshfellow! A one-of-a-kind chubby cheeked little fellow with a LOT of personality!
No, I’m afraid you can’t eat him, I’ll leave the edible sweets to Alejandra and her team at The Marshmallow Studio, however, you CAN bring him home and others like him to keep forever!
Toasty, as I like to call him is the Original Marshfellow, but there are many more where he came from! Each one handcrafted and completely unique from the others. My obsession with marshmallows happened on accident back in the fall of 2009. Armed with polymer clay, some creativity and a lot of free time, I played around with the idea of a marshmallow creature. Something chubby, cute and immediately lovable. Thus, the first Marshfellow was born!
What I love most about Marshfellows are the endless possibilities. I’m very lucky as an artist to have customers who are full of ideas and creative requests. That’s really what makes Marshfellows so special. I spend most of my time drawing up rough sketches of future Marshfellows and playing around with my own designs in between orders. While I do love custom orders more than anything, I also love the challenge of recreating a favorite movie or book character or transforming a beloved family member into Marshfellow form.
Marshfellows allows me to do something new every day. Their cute little faces remind me to not take everything so seriously, to laugh more and smile often. Marshfellows bring out the kid in me and that’s all I want for everyone else.”


This post is a little different than any of our previous post. Today, not only is this the first post from a guest contributor but it’s also a post about the trials and tribulations of a first time marshmallow designer.

A few weeks back I announced that we were accepting submissions and I was thrilled when Dina from Deliciously Darling Events sent me her post. I’ve had readers tell me they’ve attempted making marshmallow pops in the past but they’ve never gone into detail with me as to what their experience was like. I was excited to see that’s exactly what Dina’s post was about and how much my upcoming book will help her get better and faster at decorating marshmallows.So without further due….. I am delighted to share with you Dina’s experience:

[Read more…]



I am thrilled to announce that we are now accepting submissions for our blog.

We are looking for anything  and everything marshmallow related whether it’s edible or not.

  • Do you have a fabulous recipe that calls for marshmallows?
  • Can you make a fun craft using marshmallows?
  • Do your kids have a favorite way of eating marshmallows?
  • Can you make cool marshmallow pops and treats?
  • Are you a talented artist who makes something that represents marshmallows?
  • Have you done a clever little sweet using marshmallows?

If you answered yes to any of the above, we want to hear from you!!

Please email your submission to with SUBMISSION in the subject line.

In the body of the email please include the following:

  • Contact info: full name, email address, company name (if applicable), blog/website address (if applicable)
  • Fluffy Details: full recipe, DIY materials & instructions, product review/information, activity instructions, shopping resources, etc.
  • Yummy Images: please attach photos as a .zip file, send via dropbox (ideal if your file is over 5 megabytes. It’s free) or as a direct link. Images must be at least 800 pixels wide. Submissions with high quality photographs and detail shots are more likely to be featured.

You will be notified within 48 hours if your submission will be featured on our blog.

Have an idea or suggestion for something else you would like to see on our blog??? Just let us know 🙂


 I am thrilled to make this announcement:

I am now the new guest contributor for Hostess With The Mostess. This is such an amazing honor!! I’ve joined a wonderful team of creative, passionate, innovators that are happy to share their knowledge and talents with the world.

I will be doing tutorials on simple marshmallow designing. Hope you all love them and be sure to comment on each tutorial. Would love to know what you think of each project. If you make any of the fun projects, please post them on our Facebook wall…. it’s amazing to see what others can make too!

See full bio here.