2014-04-25 19.37.37

You know me, I’m a believer of the very convenient philosophies: “Better late than never” as well as “It’s better to ask for forgiveness than for permission” haha. Therefore; a few months late but here’ s my short recap of my adventures at SNAP!

I must say, it was one of the coolest conferences I have attended…. and I’ve been to many many many ranging from technology to food to design. I had a great time for lots of reasons. Keep reading  and you’ll see why…

SNAP entrance

From the moment the registration doors opened, I was surrounded by inspiration and creativity. These ladies were just like me: creative, hard working and passionate. We spoke the same language per say.

The registration lobby was decorated by Michelle (Maddy Cakes Muse) and Mariah (Giggles Galore). They spent months collecting vintage school themed items and crafting little details for this set up. These crazy girls drove a Uhaul all the way from Phoenix, Arizona to make this happen without being compensated… That’s love!

The schedule was filled with interesting classes, dinners and night events. One night was 80’s Prom. Oh yes, we dressed up and all:

80s Party at SNAP

My sweet roomies were Tonya (Soiree Event Design) and Laura (Eye Candy Creative Studio). We had the silliest time together, lots of inside jokes and fun memories!!

Ummmm… can you tell we had so much fun at the 80’s party?!

Party Girls at 80s Party at SNAP

My party girls in the house:

It really wouldn’t have been all possible without these fabulous sponsors:


I walked away like a true WINNER! I was lucky enough to win 4 amazing prizes at the conference:


The amazing highlights of the conference for me were:

2014-05-31 16.20.16

1. All the crazy talented and passionate ladies I got to meet in person. This is really what all these events are about, networking and building relationships. Look at all the cute business cards I received. You can tell each one was put together with lots of love.

Ryobi Tools

2. I got to play with and learn about power tools! Just in time for lots of DIY’s in my new house. Met the power girls team, Shanty 2 Chic. If you’re not following them already… you need to!

Learned how to use sewing machine

3. I finally conquered my fear of sewing machines. I’ve had one in a box for a year sitting in my Studio and never even opened the box. I got to make a cute button pillow with the help of  Delia (Delia Creates) and Jessica (Running With Scissors). Since then, I’ve made 6 window covering for my house!!

Booths and Sessions

4. Getting a chance to learn and try out fabulous products at the sponsor’s booths and class sessions. My favorite session was Minwax’s staining session with Bruce who had us all cracking up with his sass the whole time.

at Cricut booth

 One of the most elaborate booths was Cricut’s one. We had a blast posing as mad scientists. Can’t even tell you the amount of cool new products I learned about and will definitely be using from now on.

burlap cake

I’m definitely thinking of attending the next SNAP conference in 2015. Will you be coming?


  1. LOVED it! Had so much fun and met some of my favorite party girls for the first time and reunited with some of my party BFFs like you! Let’s do it again next year roomie!

  2. So fun meeting you in person! Hope to see you again next year!

  3. That looks like so much fun! I hate that I missed it this year, but won’t be making that mistake in 2015! 😉

  4. Oh I am SO going in 2015! I was so sad I couldn’t go this year due to work. I can’t WAIT to meet you all! The business cards are fabulous!!!
    I too have a fear of sewing, the machines are out to get me 😉 ha ha but with that gold sparkled one I would totally sew! Thank you for sharing this.


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