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This is a recap of my adventures in Seattle a couple of weeks ago. Sure, this post is supposed to be all about the International Food & Beverage Conference but I think my adventures were more interesting.

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First off…. I love this girl! Shanna from Pineapple and Coconut was my flight buddy, roomie and partner in crime. She always has the funniest things to say.

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As soon as we arrived, we headed down to Pikes Place Market. Where fresh produce, meets stinky seafood, yummy desserts and lots of other “stuff”.

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We had a fancy (hahaha) lunch by the water.

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Walked around a bit while admiring the beautiful flower bouquets. By the way, they were a very sad reminder that I live in the desert and flowers like these don’t exist there 🙁

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Friday night IFBC hosted a welcome reception were we got to walk around a gift lounge, taste lots of desserts and network. My favorite thing I grabbed was a peach believe it or not. It was big and juicy.

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After that event, a few girls and I headed out to dinner. This sushi rolls you see above was HUGE. Definitely one of the most delicious rolls I have ever had. Now I’m wishing I could eat another one!

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The next morning we ventured out for breakfast and stumbled upon the original Sur La Table and Starbucks. You know I had to snap pics like a typical tourist.

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We also checked out a thrift shop that was full of treasures. Very overpriced treasures! I loved these books I spotted.

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That night I attended a session by Krusteaz. I liked it because it was set up kind of like a cooking show. They even had a few tables styles by the fabulous Jenn of Hostess With The Mostess. She was there sharing with us a few entertaining tips and ideas.

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Here are her three styled tables.

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From left to right: Scarlett from Made it. Ate it. Loved it., Lindsay Ann from Lindsay Ann Bakes, Me, Jenn from Hostess With The Mostess and Toni from Make Bake Celebrate.

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Saturday night we were treated to A Taste of Seattle and Gourmet Fair. I loved it because I’m a fatty and got to try little bites from the best restaurants in the area.

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After, I couldn’t resist a visit to Gelatiamo.

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They had the most amazing gelato I have ever had, not to mention the delicious butter cookies and desserts too.

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Sunday morning, we’re already tired but it’s so gorgeous outside that we decided to venture out again.

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We rode the ferry to Bainbridge Island.

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Upon arriving, I saw Fall! Yes, red and yellow leaves. Oh how I miss seeing these!

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The little island was so cute!

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I’m a sucker for beautiful window displays.

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After a short stroll and a little shopping, back to Seattle we went…

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As we ran back to our hotel to catch a ride back to the airport…

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We came across a very interesting “accessory-mobile”. I think it belongs to Carrie Bradshaw.

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Well Seattle, ’till next time!

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