Valentines Day Pink Rose Bouquet by TMS for JP

February is my favorite month out of the year for so many reasons – it’s my birthday, my son Keiran was born, Valentine’s Day and it’s a short month! This year, I don’t seem to be as excited as usual about it, probably because I’m getting older and I’m starting to see wrinkles and gray hair 🙁 Oh well, it’s life and I still have health, a family ,and a roof over my head… so it’s all good right?!

Anyways….. as Valentine’s Day draws near, I’m starting to see hearts, rose bouquets, boxes of chocolates and plush animals everywhere. It all got me thinking about what I should do for my Jet-Puffed marshmallow special project. The answer was right in front of me – ROSES!  Not just any roses, but MARSHMALLOW ROSES 🙂

Here’s a confession, I don’t like real flowers. For many reasons – they die, they’re high maintenance, they’re expensive and  then you have to clean the moldy vase. I’m more of a silk flower kind of girl.  I know, I’m weird like that. These marshmallow roses are perfect for me because, they won’t perish, they won’t discolor, they won’t die, and they can look pretty on my desk year-round. Marshmallows get rock hard if not kept in an air-tight containers so in a few weeks these will be like rock candy. Pretty candy art!

I absolutely loved loved loved how they turned out.

See below for a few in-the-making photos and more…

[Read more…]


When Ebony from Sparkling Events & Design told me the theme of her sweet Valentine’s Day party, my marshmallow mind started spinning but as soon as I saw the invitations… it was clear to me what I was going to make for her.

She did such a beautiful job that the party was even featured on Amy Atlas’s blog, Sweet Designs. You can see lots of more photos there and read up on all the details here.


As you may remember, last month we entered a Gingerbread House contest from (’s sister company) and we won. Little did I know that this would lead to them asking me to be a blog contributor on their Ideas blog. This is a HUGE honor considering the amount of traffic this site gets and the other creative bakers/decorators that are already guest blogging for them.  I’m talking about total pros such as Kristan Roland from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen, Melissa Diamond from My Cake School, Glory Albin from Glorious Treats, and Shelly Jaronskyfrom Cookies and Cups. I was excited and nervous all at the same time!

So without further due, here is our first guest post…

Valentine’s Day Sparkly Marshmallow Hearts Cupcakes

Keep an eye out for our future post.


As you may already know, I love my suuuper sweet amiga Nancy. She’s the creative mastermind behind  from A to Zebra Celebrations. When she told me she was going to be styling a Valentine’s Day party around the Orange Crush soda, I immediately thought: Soda Caps!

Which meant, I was finally going to get a chance to use my digital projector to make the perfect consistent design.

Well…. it definitely wasn’t has easy as I thought. I need lots of practice but I made it happen in the end and I like the way it came out.

The base of the cap is actually a chocolate-covered marshmallow sandwiched in between two cookies called “Mini Mamut”. I also got a chance to add some yummy orange slice gummies to the pops… extra sweetness!

Photographs by Beba Photography

The party was an absolute success… lots of cute details, sweet desserts and funl ideas that are very inexpensive to recreate. The party was soo cute that it was featured on Living Locurto‘s blog. You can also see more photos and read up on the details here.

I officially have a love crush on this party!