Camping Party by TheMarshmallowStudio

It’s kind of fun when your kiddos are old enough to get involved in their birthday party planning.

My eldest son, Aiden, is obsessed with parties and entertaining. He’s always putting together little parties for his stuffed animals, setting up the table when his friends come over for play dates and he’s quick to volunteer in my Studio when I’m crafting. Every year (way ahead of time) he tells me what theme he want for his next birthday party.

For his 6th birthday party he wanted a CAMPING PARTY!

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He was involved every step of the way LOL [Read more…]


Pirate Party by TheMarshmallowStudio

Ahoy Mateys!!

Welcome to Captain Keiran’s 4th birthday party.

Months ago I told my hubs that I didn’t want to go all out for birthday parties anymore. I told him I wanted to keep it simple, inexpensive and small. Did I stand behind my words??? Kind of haha!

With lots of DIYs and pulling in my existing home decor and props, I was able to pull this pirate off on a very small budget. I’ll explain below.
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“Roaring Dinosaur” 5th Birthday Party

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Aiden has recently been obsessed with dinosaurs. He started learning about them in preschool and has then watched almost every movie, documentary and cartoon about dinosaurs. He’s constantly playing with his dino toys and can even name most of them by their names. I’m ashamed to admit he knows more about dinosaurs than me! A several months ago when we asked him what theme he wanted for his 5th birthday party to be, he said “superheroes”. I began looking around for inspiration but it was just not happening. I was not ready to let him be a “big boy”. Out of the blue it hit me! I suggested a dinosaur party. His eyes lit up and he said “Yes mommy, a dinosaur ROAR party!”.

As always, the first step was to browse online for some inspiration then seeing what I had already at home to use. Once I had an idea of what I was going to do and how, I got started on the invitation design and the paper goodies. I usually do those first to get them out of the way and focus on the crafting, decor details and menu. Keep reading for list of sources and lots of tips and DIYs.

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Cookies & Milk party by

My son was turning 3 and we wanted to celebrate it with a party like we always do.

However, since our new home is almost done being build and we are trying to save as much as possible, we needed to come up with a way to celebrate on a budget but not skimp on the wow factor.

I had all kinds of ideas – hot dog bar, nachos stations, donuts party, snacks and refreshments…. I finally decided on a “Cookies and Milk” party.

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My eldest son, Aiden, loves Scooby Doo. He can sit and watch it all day long if we let him. I don’t mind buying him all the movies because I think it’s one of the last “good” cartoons left. No violence, no foul language and it has innocent humor. When we asked him what he wanted his 4th birthday party to be of he said “Thomas the Train” but (thankfully) a week later he changed his mind. He wanted a Scooby Doo “spooky” party. My wheels started turning. I didn’t want to have the traditional 60’s bright theme and I had to incorporate the spooky somewhere in there. I began researching all the episodes and “bad guys” I could use in the party. I came across the “Haunted Carnival” episode and thought it would be perfect. We would have a carnival, a Scooby Doo theme and spooky ghosts everywhere. It was perfect!!!

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The Marshmallow Studio-Smores Camping Trip Marshmallow Cake

I think after all this time working with marshmallows I’ve learned that creating large showpieces is what I like doing the most. Every holiday and special occasion I get to create something special for KRAFT Jet-Puffed marshmallows. For this piece, I used 10 different varieties of marshmallows, sugar, royal icing, and Oreo cookie crumbs.


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Here’s another party I’ve been meaning to share with you – my son’s recent cowboy party. Enjoy!


My son Keiran has been suffering of the “terrible twos” for quite some time now so when it came time for his actual second birthday we decided to celebrate it with a party which had a very fitting theme – Outlaw!


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